Winds of Chance

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Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.150
FC : Nudging Probability
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The mage can evade or attract good or ill fortune. Generally speaking, this effect is more a roleplaying consideration than anything else. If the willworker wants to find someone interesting to share a beer with on a Saturday night, such a person happens to ask, “In this seat taken?” in a crowded bar. Likewise, she could make someone’s morning commute a waking nightmare, causing him to get splashed by a passing car, harassed by an utter nutcase on the bus, and defecated on by a low-flying pigeon as he walks in the door 45 minutes late.

Free Council Rote: Nudging Probability

Quantum probabilities affect people’s lives in all sorts of ways at all times. Mages of the Free Council manipulate these probabilities through this rote, creating runs of what most would consider good or bad luck. Nothing life altering, but certainly sufficient to make someone smile or to ruin his day.

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